Can Nootropics Help You Meditate?

Studies have shown that meditation can significantly improve your physical and mental health.

It is the art of silencing the mind. When the mind is silent, concentration is enhanced, and we experience inner peace in the midst of worldly turmoil.

But this isn’t the case for everyone. For some people, you’re sitting there trying to let go of every thought and just be present in the given moment.

Then, you start thinking about work, what you’re going to have for dinner, and if you replied to that text received from earlier that day. This can be very frustrating and lead you to feel more stressed after meditation than before you even began.

So, we ask ourselves. How do we slow down these thoughts and make the mind calm and clear?

Our brain-boosting blend, Intramind may help!

First, let’s talk about some of the benefits of participating in meditation.

What are the benefits of Meditation?

There is definitely a lot to gain from meditation. For some, it’s a powerful tool for the reduction of anxiety and stress.

For others, it is an effective method to help relieve symptoms of ADHD.

Meditation has many benefits overall. One reason why it is practised more often than not is that it helps clear and calm the mind. But here are some other benefits that we’ve found, check it out HERE.

While meditation is an ancient practice that has been around for centuries, scientists have just uncovered a new realm of research concentrating on how meditation impacts the brain.

In fact, it literally changes the structure in the brain.

How Meditation Changes Our Brains

Recent studies have shown that sustained meditation leads to changes in the hippocampus, amygdala and the insula in human brains.

Meditators reported that these changes effectively influenced their capacity for learning, self-awareness and memory compassion after just eight weeks.

As well as this, meditation alters our individual brainwaves. When we sit down to meditate, a reduction in the number of beta waves takes place in the brain. Beta waves are concomitant with processing information.

Soon after, the beta waves are then replaced with alpha waves within the brain, which are associated with mental clarity and harmony.

But if you’re having trouble slipping into a deep meditative state, you may miss out on these positive changes in brain structure.

Thus, it’s time to see if nootropics can help you reach that ultimate zen zone we ultimately thrive for.


Can Nootropics Help You Meditate?

There are numerous amounts of different brain functions that impact meditative brain states. Some nootropics function by reacting with the brain chemicals and switching them on whilst others can protect the brain from stress and anxiety. Here’s how it works;

Brain Functions Associated with Meditation

Some nootropic brain boosters can activate alpha wave and acetylcholine. Others may moderate the level of stress hormone we experience in response to stimuli.

Activating Alpha Waves

Those who meditate regularly have shown to have more alpha waves throughout their brains than those who don’t. Alpha waves are associated with higher concentration and less response to stimuli. Similarly, nootropics that help with the production of alpha waves may also help us meditate.

Acetylcholine and Nerve Growth Factor Production

Acetylcholine is a brain chemical that enhances your overall attention and improves your focus. Therefore, aiding the rewiring of our brains to react faster to the meditation process.

Buffering Cortisol

In addition, cortisol is the stress hormone released in reaction to stressors. Ultimately, this can deplete your stress reactions to thoughts and emotions, helping you concentrate during meditation.

So, you’ve tried everything, and you still can’t seem to separate from the noise of your own thoughts, what do you do now?

Well,, Intramind blend may just give you the edge you need to help quiet your nagging thoughts and emotions.

They may be able to segregate the brains chemical, functions and waves and focus on creating minimal stress impact and more concentration during meditation. We’ll get into the specifics below.

But, please keep in mind that there isn’t enough research to show direct proof of nootropic benefits for meditation.

However, below we’ve created a list of Intramind’s natural nootropics whose functions mimic those necessary to maintain a relaxed yet focused meditative state.


L-Theanine has proven calming effects on the brain. It’s an all-natural nootropic that can be found in your favourite green tea. Actually, meditative monks have been using it for thousands of years to help induce focused relaxation for meditation. L-Theanine’s effects have been described as “mindful alertness”.

L-Theanine has been shown to increase alpha wave activity within the brain, mirroring what meditation does. It also reduces heart rate in response to stress. Meaning, this nootropic may really help us get into that deep state of thought-free awareness meditation.

Lion’s Mane Mushroom

Lion’s Mane is a mushroom that activates the production of Nerve Growth Factor, which helps rewire the brain. Supplementing Lion’s Mane into your diet may help speed up brain changes in reaction to meditation.

In addition, a lack of NGF has been associated with mood issues. Therefore, Lion’s Mane Mushroom may help balance the mood by increasing NGF in people who lack it.

N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine (NALT)

NALT is a nootropic that may help reduce the brain’s negative reactions to stress hormones. This could be perfect for the stressed-out meditator.

NALT may also enhance the brain’s mental processing and activate brain chemicals like dopamine to improve concentration and cognition. This natural brain booster works even better when stacked with Rhodiola Rosea.

Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola Rosea is a herbal nootropic that has shown to strengthen the brain’s resistance to stress. It may be perfect for someone trying to let go of stressful thoughts and open their mind for meditation.

One of the biggest benefits of consuming Rhodiola Rosea is that it can provide the same positive effects of stimulants like caffeine without the negative side effects such as getting the jitters or feeling anxious. Combined with citicoline, it may be the perfect stack to help us reduce stress and fatigue while slipping into concentrated relaxation.


Intramind may help support focused relaxation while reducing reactions to stressful stimuli.

As such, it may be the perfect supplement to help optimize the brain functions associated with a deep meditative state.


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